Login Successful
To view and edit your registration data, please, proceed to Registration Data.
To view, edit or submit an abstract, please, proceed to Abstract Submissions.
To upload your presentation, please, proceed to Uploads.
'; }else{ print 'Login Failed
Your username or password is not correct. Restore your username and/or password.'; //If you forgot your password, please, email at heller at fzu.cz.
'; } }elseif($_POST["login"] == "logout"){ if ($_SESSION["loggin_ESS"]){ $_SESSION["loggin_ESS"] = FALSE; session_start(); $session_name = session_name(); if ( isset( $_COOKIE[ $session_name ] )) { if ( setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-3600, '/') ) { //header("Location: http://ofm.fzu.cz/ess-prague/"); header("Location: ".BASE_PATH); exit(); } else { // setcookie() fails when there is output sent prior to calling this function. } } session_destroy(); } }else{ printContent($_GET["file"]); } ?>